Model-Driven Construction of Certified Binaries
Chaki, James Ivers, Peter Lee, Kurt Wallnau, Noam Zeilberger,
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 10th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), LNCS 4735,
page 666-681, September 30-October 5, 2007
Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) and Certifying Model Checking (CMC) are
established paradigms for certifying the run-time behavior of
programs. While PCC allows us to certify low-level binary code against
relatively simple (e.g., memory-safety) policies, CMC enables the
certification of a richer class of temporal logic policies, but is
typically restricted to high-level (e.g., source) descriptions. In
this paper, we present an automated approach to generate certified
software component binaries from UML Statechart specifications. The
proof certificates are constructed using information that is generated
via CMC at the specification level and transformed, along with the
component, to the binary level. Our technique combines the strengths
of PCC and CMC, and demonstrates that formal certification technology
is compatible with, and can indeed exploit, model-driven approaches to
software development. We describe an implementation of our approach
that targets the Pin component technology, and present experimental
results on a collection of benchmarks.
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